Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Love and Logic Week

Oh my goodness. I have a lot more confidence disciplining. One secret is to not show that you're mad or upset, instead show that you can deal with no sweat! My children have been fighting way less because there are unspoken consequences (just say "uh oh" and follow through with an action) they've been listening to me and arguing less. I have not been really frustrated since before the year started hence my heart rate and blood pressure have dropped and I have more energy!!! Wow I'm telling you setting limits in a loving way and letting kids deal with consequences instead of me taking on all of their tiffs really teaches them a lot and improves their behavior. Eliminating whining and promoting sweetness is great. I love giving my kids two choices and having them pick one (complying with what I need them to do.) It sure beats the heck out of telling them what to do, they get mad, they argue, I get mad, then I do it for them.... No way, a thing of the past! So many wonderful techniques, I can't wait to attend a seminar and listen to the CDs.

1 comment:

Catherine Noorda said...

i LOVE this blog audrey! you have so many great parenting ideas and you're so honest. your kids are so darn lucky and blessed to have a mom who is so awesome. this blog is inspiring to me! thanks!